
Registration Period

Online registration is closed.
On-site registration is available at the conference

Registration System

You can still access your registration details here.

You can also review your participation data or edit your personal information.

If you experience troubles, please check the help pages by conftool or use the contact form to contact us.

Registration Fees


      Regular     Student1
Main Conference + 2 Days Co-located Events or Workshops (Full ticket)

Access to all sessions an all days, digital proceedings and all social events.








Main Conference + 1 Day Co-located Events or Workshops

Access to all sessions of the main conference and Workshops/co-located events on one day, digital proceedings and all social events.








3 Days Main Conference

Access to all sessions of the main conference, digital conference proceedings and all social events.








1 Day Main Conference

Access to all sessions of the main conference at the selected day only, digital conference proceedings and the welcome reception.








2 Days Co-located Events or Workshops

Access to workshops and co-located events (both days), workshop proceedings and the welcome reception.








1 Day Co-located Events or Workshops

Access to workshops and co-located events on one day, workshop proceedings and the welcome reception.








Doctoral Consortium2

Access to all sessions of the main conference, Doctoral Symposium and digital conference proceedings








Extra Printed Conference Proceedings
   60€  60€
Extra Conference Dinner Ticket
  115€ 115€
Extra Conference Party Ticket
   95€  95€
Extra Welcome Reception
   65€  65€
Optional Guided Tour Ticket
(More information can be found here)
   25€  25€


Please note that hotels CANNOT be booked via the registration system. You can find information about hotels and special rates here.

Visa Information

Information for applying for a visa can be found here.

Payment Options

You can pay the conference fee either via bank transfer (wire transfer) or via credit card, using a secure online payment service.

If you chose to pay via bank transfer, you can find the transfer information in your registration confirmation e-mail or in the registration system.

Terms of Registration and Payment

  • The registration of participation is binding .
  • If you have to cancel the registration, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event. In all other cases, the financial responsibilities of the participants remain fully effective.
  • The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 7 days following submission of the registration (but not later than 7 days before the starting day of the event).
  • Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
  • The conference program may be subject to changes.
  • Payments will be refunded if the conference will be canceled by the organizer. In that case, the organizer will have no further liability to the client. Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be postponed.


1 Student Registrations: Student Conference Participation is only valid for students. Phd students with a full time employment are not accepted as student members. If you register as a student, it is your responsibility to upload a valid certificate of matriculation. In case that you are not able to provide such a certificate in time your student registration will be automatically changed into a regular registration and you will be charged accordingly.
2 Doctoral Consortium: Please note that the Doctoral Consortium package can only be booked by Doctoral Consortium authors.